Our Organic Principles

Many of us have busy lives and the garden is the perfect place to relax and connect with nature. It is also important to ensure that an environment is created and maintained that will encourage and support bird and insect life.It takes just a few simple steps to support wildlife in the garden, increase soil fertility and reduce our impact on natural resources here and in other parts of the world by using eco-friendly products.

Sustainable Gardening

For many people, the garden is the place where they think about nature, its sustainability, and how to play a positive role in looking after flora and fauna. Here at Samphire we believe in actively enhancing gardens for the benefit of wildlife and the people that spend time in them.As soon as you begin to create a garden, you will find many creatures start to populate it. Bees, butterflies, ladybirds, lacewings, garden birds and

As soon as you begin to create a garden, you will find many creatures start to populate it. Bees, butterflies, ladybirds, lacewings, garden birds and much more…

We believe that our responsibility is to take care of the natural environment and encourage life in the garden. Many insects are allies that contribute to creating a system that allows your garden to thrive without the need for chemicals (to control pests and diseases), or fertiliser (to add fake fertility to your soil).

The choices we all make in our gardens have positive or negative effects on nature. Organic gardens are the most beneficial because they avoid the use of chemicals, some of which can harm helpful insects. We actively promote organic methods of gardening and can advise on how to achieve great results without resorting to the use of chemicals.

Vegetable, fruit and cut flowers

We love growing food, and we can help you to do the same

  • Vegetables in raised beds
  • Culinary herbs
  • Fruit trees and shrubs
  • Ornamental vegetable design

    Organic gardening

It has long been recognised that it is easier to work with nature than against it. We believe that with a few simple techniques we can enhance any garden and minimise its impact on the environment. We do this by using only materials made from renewable resources, composting, recycling and by keeping the use of pesticides and artificial fertilisers to an absolute minimum.

We believe that every garden can be managed organically and that doing so will result in a beautiful buy celexa online garden teeming with life and colour.

What is organic gardening?

Organic gardening creates an ecosystem where all living things are interrelated and interdependent. It utilises only renewable natural resources and the use of chemicals is kept to an absolute minimum. Artificial fertilisers are avoided because they dissolve quickly into the soil’s water content and are absorbed faster and more directly by plants, by-passing the soil’s input. This can lead to over-lush growth that is far more susceptible to pests and diseases.

It is far more effective to treat and feed the soil with organic matter that over time will create a good rich soil and healthy, beautiful plants.

Organic gardening works with nature through complementary planting and by encouraging lots of (friendly!) wildlife into the garden to help combat unwanted pests and diseases, and enhance soil conditions.

It’s all about quality soil, healthier plants and happy customers.  At Samphire, we give our clients the option to be more eco-friendly by encouraging organic gardening. If you are thinking of going Organic or simply trying to attract more wildlife to your garden, then give us a call. We will soon have your garden buzzing with life and enhanced by birdsong.

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